Charitable OpportunitiesQQ Group QuiltQQ makes a group quilt every year or two which is raffled off. Half of the proceeds from the quilt are donated to a charity selected by the membership. You can help by making a block, donating materials and selling raffle tickets. Click here to see some of our past quilts. Choices for Victims of Domestic ViolenceQuintessential Quilters regularly supports our local battered women’s shelter, Choices, in two ways:
Life Care Alliance/Meals on WheelsQQ collects placemats for LifeCare Alliance and their Meals on Wheels program. Meals on Wheels provides one meal a day for older adults and medically challenged residents of Franklin, Madison, and Marion counties, helping residents remain independent in the comfort of their own homes. LifeCare also sponsors Carrie's Café where folks can get a nutritious meal and also participate in wellness programs and other activities. Other services include Columbus Cancer Clinic, Visiting Nurses, and even Senior PetCare to help keep pet companions at home too."Nourishing the Human Spirit" is their motto. Learn more about their programs and services at www.lifecarealliance.org. The placemats are collected at meetings. There is no pattern, size restriction, etc. Probably 12-14 inches by 16-18 inches is average, but whatever works for you. Placemats are a perfect use for orphan blocks or to test a new block pattern or color combination – add borders and you have a placemat! They are also great for free-motion quilting practice. Just be sure they are clean and finished – something you'd want your grandmother to use for a meal to brighten her day. It's just an extra touch to let the recipients know someone is thinking about them. Kids 'N KampKids 'N Kamp offers programs and support for children and their families touched by childhood cancer. Many members of QQ participate in their annual Celebrity Quilt Auction at the 'Shoe by donating quilts (baby through king sized) or volunteering at the event. To donate a quilt, call 614-262-2220 or email knk@kidsnkamp.org. Quilts of ValorQOV’s mission is to provide quilts and pillowcases to all service members and veterans touched by war. QQ makes group quilts for this project. There are guidelines for their quilts on their website (www.qovf.org). Quilts should be no smaller than 55” by 65” and no larger than 72” by 90”. QQ regularly collects quilt blocks and pillowcases to be forwarded to Quilts of Valor. James Stitching SistersThis group creates lap quilts for breast cancer patients receiving breast cancer treatment at the Comprehensive Breast Health Center in Dublin or OSU East. They have a Sewing Center at 325 Cramer Creek Court in Dublin and accept donations of fabric and supplies. If you wish to donate a completed quilt, it should be at least 48” x 60” and can be machine or hand quilted. Contact: 614-519-8995 or jamesstitchingsisters@yahoo.com. My Very Own BlanketMVOB is a volunteer organization dedicated to helping children in foster care feel valued and comforted. They deliver personalized blankets and toiletry items to children in foster care. They have Blanket Workshops at various times and locations, including Sunday afternoon sessions with sewing and quilting lessons taught in partnership with Westerville Quilt Guild. They accept donations of finished blankets (sewn, crocheted, knitted, pieced, quilted or tied). They should be no smaller than 36” x 36” and no larger than 42” x 60”. MVOB attaches a tag that says "This blanket was made especially for you by My Very Own Blanket" with a space for the child’s name. They also take donations of supplies and toiletries. For more information, visit mvob.org. Here are some of the quilts made by our members in 2014 and donated to the My Very Own Blanket organization:
Project LinusProject Linus provides new, handmade blankets and afghans to children who are seriously ill, traumatized or otherwise in need. The Columbus area chapter can be reached by contacting Amy at 614-327-1041 or colsprojectlinus@gmail.com. Blanket specifications can be found on the Project Linus website. Bobby’s BooksBobby’s Books was the recipient of proceeds from QQ’s 2013 raffle quilt. Bobby’s Books’ mission is to assist children to deal with difficult issues (illness, death, divorce, etc.) through literature. Working with Project Linus, Bobby’s Books provides comfort care packages (a book and a blanket) to children in need. Go to www.bobbysbooks.org for information. Pillowcases for Service Men and WomenQQ provides patriotic pillowcases to be included in care packages assembled by a Dublin, OH middle school. We will be collecting these at the October and November meetings.
Alzheimer's Patient Fidget QuiltsQQ member Kristen Keyser is inviting members to join her in making Fidget Quilts, a community service project partnered with Alzheimer's Association, Central Ohio Chapter. Donations will go to their Home Health Care program, supporting families responsible for care of their loved ones. Fidget quilts help to occupy the Alzheimer's loved one by settling or calming the need to keep fingers busy. The bound finished quilt should measure 20x20 inches. (Quilts will be washed and dried with industrial/commercial machines first, then regularly washed and dried with home machines.) If you haven't been at a meeting and would like to participate, contact Kris Keyser for instructions and suggested materials. Quilts should be turned in by the April QQ meeting, or call Kris to make arrangements. (There are several articles and videos online about fidget quilts that will give you an idea what they are, but Kris has specific guidelines and some of the examples online contain materials NOT recommended for this project.) |